Scales and weighing equipment

High-precision weighing and dosing of bulk materials, both in batch and continuous operation. Optionally calibratable.

The term weighing technology is intended to cover the entire specialist area of mass determination, including mechanics, electronics, control technology and the peripherals within a system.

The operating mode of a scale is based on the process conditions: Continuous operation or batch operation.

A scale consists of the following components: A container for holding the material to be weighed until their discharge, load frame/weighing moduleperipherals including supply and discharge metering device, a measuring amplifier with display of the mass and metering control unit.

Our container fillers are optionally available as calibratable scales according to SWA/SWE.

Hosokawa Solids, specialist for bulk solids handling, is part of the Hosokwa Alpine Group since 2020.

Click here for the Hosokawa Solids portfolio

Hosokawa Solids Product Range


  • Rotating bowl scales Giroscale, GSC type: Weighing container in the form of a rotating bowl, can be rotated 180° for discharge, very compact design, weighing capacity up to 50 kg, very high accuracy, ideal for small components +- 1g.
  • Flexible scales Flex Scale, FSC type: Especialy suitable for sticky products, flexible scale-hopper made of rubber, lock with free section when open, reliable total emptying. 
  • Hopper scales, BSG/BSN type: Weighing hopper, directly on BSG type strain gauge load cells, or on a guided scale frame in a BSN type parallel handle bar system, avoiding disturbing forces, with mechanical tare compensation, according to accuracy requirements.
  • Vacuum scales, SVN type: Combination of pneumatic vacuum conveying with hopper scale and dosing for batch formation.
  • Conveyor scales, PHS/PIS type: Hopper scale, designed as a pneumatic push conveyor in the scale frame to avoid disturbing forces, suitable for batch formation and/or material balancing.
  • Big bag scales, BBS type: For discharge metering when unloading big bags.
  • Silo scales, BSG type: For checking the fill level or for discharge weighing when filling silo vehicles, containers, etc. Suitable for both indoor and outdoor applications.
  • Loss-in-weight scales, LWS type: Constantly controlled material flow rate per time unit through optimal use of the scale signal.


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